
[AHA2012]共同构建健康生活 远离心血管疾病——AHA主席Donna Arnett教授采访

作者:  D.Arnett   日期:2012/12/14 16:28:24



  International Circulation: What is like being the first epidemiologist head of AHA? Does this imply a greater focus on populations? Or does it involve a more genetics and individual approach?
  Prof. Donna Arnett: The mission of the AHA is to build healthier lives free of cardiovascular disease and stroke. It is important for each person to take charge of his or her own health. There is so much we can do. 80% of CVD and stroke is preventable. From my perspective, we need people and patients to understand what they can do and doctors to understand that individual approaches to individual health are important as well as treatment for diseases.
  International Circulation: How do we incorporate genetics into this? Especially with hypertension, will you use genetics to stratify patients?
  Prof. Arnett: The future of genomics will let us there. That is quite far away in terms of essential hypertension. We have had some success with the extremely high and low blood pressure forms of Mendelian hypertension (?), but finding those common or rare variants in larger populations of essential hypertension is going to take time.
  International Circulation:  Are we using genetics and family screening to understand more sporadic forms of heart disease, such Conn’s syndrome, or pheochromocytoma?
  Prof. Arnett: I cannot comment on pheochromocytoma, but I can say that they are rare. The genes that have been discovered have been in individual families where you have extremely high or low blood pressure, not across large populations of families. The critical message from my perspective is that until we have those genetics screening tools, we need to watch sodium intakes, be physically active, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  Arnett教授:我不能对嗜铬细胞瘤进行评论,但我可以说,他们的确是罕见的疾病。在有极高或低的血压患者的个别家庭中已发现了有关的基因,但并不会涵盖家族中的大多数人。从我的角度来看,在我们拥有这些遗传学筛查工具之前, 问题的关键是我们需要控制患者钠的摄入量,让他们锻炼身体,并保持健康的生活方式。

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