
[GWICC2012]将非传染性疾病降低25%, 面临挑战——ACC主席William A. Zoghbi教授专访

作者:  W.A.Zoghbi   日期:2012/10/15 13:19:10



International Circulation: Is charging taxes on cigarettes a solution?
Dr Zoghbi: Charging taxes has actually been very effective in the United States. Some of that money is not only as a deterrent but also goes towards research and the management of patients who are affected whether it is lung disease or cardiovascular disease. The other problem is blood pressure. Elevated blood pressure is certainly a major risk factor for all cardiovascular disease and certainly for others. Awareness of blood pressure is important. Individuals need to know what their blood pressure is to be able to act on it. So from the awareness comes the measurement, which is simple, and progresses to going to a healthcare professional. That brings us to another issue among the challenges that we are considering. How do you make drugs available? Availability of drugs appropriately for individuals from aspirin to blood pressure medications and cholesterol medications at times is an issue in various countries. It is still an issue in the United States. If you are not covered for drugs then you need to be able to afford them to be able to buy them and have compliance. The simplest thing incredibly to reduce some of those issues is physical activity and in a way is not costly, but it takes motivation, it takes education and I think all of us, one way or another, are either tied to a phone or a computer and are way too sedentary. You need to be able to push yourself to use physical activity in your daily life to be able to affect change.
Dr Zoghbi:在美国收税的确是非常有效的。税收中的一些钱不仅仅是作为一种遏制手段,还用于支付受影响患者(无论是肺部疾病或心血管疾病患者)研究和管理的部分款项。另一个问题是血压。血压升高无疑是所有心血管疾病当然还有其他疾病的一种主要危险因素。对血压的认知是很重要的。个体需要了解其血压对它所能起到的作用。因此,由认知带来简单的措施,并发展到去看医疗专业人士。在我们正在考虑的挑战中,这给我们带来了另外一个问题。你如何使得药物可用?在不同国家,有时对个体适合的药品包括从阿司匹林到血压药物和胆固醇药物的供应都是个问题。这在美国也仍然是个问题。如果你的医疗保险不涵盖这些药物,那么你需要能够支付得起才能购买并有依从性。减少其中一些问题的令人难以置信的最简单事情是体力活动,而且在某种程度上其代价不高,但它需要动力,需要教育,我认为我们所有的人,不管怎样,要么是守着电话要么就呆在电脑前,这都是过于久坐不动的生活方式。在日常生活中,你要能促使自己进行体力活动以能够影响改变。
International Circulation: What are your opinions on the 10000 Steps campaign in China?
Dr Zoghbi: I think it is phenomenal. Today we participated with Professor Hu Dayi at a healthcare event with the public. He has been a big energizer in this country along with the government to do that. I think this is universal. It is not for China only or for the US, it is global. The message has to be: Get active! Incorporate it in your daily life. You can go to the gym if you can afford it but there are other ways: use more steps walking even going up stairs or down stairs. People need to cognitively think about those activities during the day and exercise as much as possible. It’s good for the heart; it is good for the brain; it is good for mental health; and good for overall longevity and quality of longevity.
Dr Zoghbi:我认为这是一项非凡的活动。今天,我们和胡大一教授与公众一起参与了这个医疗事件。在这个国家,他一直是一个巨型激发仪,与政府一起来开展这个活动。我认为这是世界性的。它不只是为了中国或美国,它是全球性的。这一关键信息就是:动起来!将其纳入你的日常生活。您可以去健身房,如果你能负担得起,但还有其他的方法:更多的步行,甚至是上下楼梯。从认知的角度,人们在白天需要考虑这些活动,并尽可能多的运动。这对心脏有益,对大脑有益,对心理健康有益,且对总寿命和寿命质量有益。

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