David R.Holmes 美国梅奥临床医学院
<International Circulation>: What are your goals as President of ACC?
Prof.Holmes:That’s a great question which I am keen to answer. When you think about what ACC means, the middle letter is for College. So I am keen to embrace the missions of a College which are: science, learning and education. This year I want the College to be a College. There are lots of other things around that. But I want the College to be a College.
<International Circulation>: How will you achieve those goals?
Prof.Holmes: I think there are a couple of things related to that. We have tended to say that education has been the hallmark of the College and that is indeed the case. We have sometimes tended to accept it as fact that our educational mission was always right where it needed to be. The fact of the matter is that the field of education continues to increase with new science as the science of medicine continues to increase. So educational approaches and educational strategies continue to evolve and I think that we need to make sure that we come into the mainstream with that. There are some new educational approaches that will allow us to utilize all of the tremendous science that the College has accumulated and to take all of that and give it life in terms of our ability to apply it to specific clinical settings. From the educational standpoint there are huge opportunities that will be showcased next year under the direction of the College staff and it will absolutely turn everything on end. I am unbelievably excited about that - the cutting edge of information technology systems. At the present time it is literally impossible to keep up with the tsunami of information that crashes down. You would have to read from day to night on all and every day of the month to read all of the cardiovascular articles that come out each month. There is not a chance in the world that you can do that. The technology we are talking about will allow there to be a distillation of the educational material of our science in such a way that it can be applied at the point of care of a particular patient and then there will be the development, although further off but still part of the whole master plan, will be to have that linked in some way to the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM). By virtue of having asked questions and received information that you then use in the day-to-day patient care arena, you then will be able to satisfy some of the certification issues related to continuing your licensure.
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