
[AHA2009]James Neaton教授谈HEAAL研究

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/11/25 16:38:00



    International Circulation: Is there other message or important things you think we could take from this trial from your analysis of the data?


    Prof. Neaton:The other interesting finding that was mentioned in the presentation this morning and dealt with in more detail in our paper, which was published today in Lancet, is an understanding of the risk factors for developing some of the toxicities. As Dr. Konstam mentioned, for renal toxicities and hypotension, there was a greater risk in the high dose group over the low dose group. This however did not translate into big difference at all in terms of treatment discontinuations. We’ve initiated a series of analyses trying to identify patient characteristics that are more likely to experience these toxicities. Later this will be a very important guide for clinicians. For example, in the paper we identified that older age individuals, those who had hypercholemia as a reason for intolerance to the ACE inhibitor were more likely to develop hypercholemia on the ARB and that is an important bit of information to know.  We plan to pursue that further but there is already information in the paper regarding that issue.


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